本文以电刺激内脏大神经(GSN)在丘脑后核群(PO)诱发的单位放电作为内脏痛指标,研究电刺激杏仁中央核(AC),杏仁外侧核(AL),终纹床核(BNST)和下丘脑外侧区(AHL)对内脏痛放电的影响,及其对内脏痛抑制过程中的相互关系和机理。实验结果表明对内脏痛放电抑制最强的核团为 AC,以下依次为 AHL、BNST、AL、AC。对 PO 内脏痛放电的抑制中,阿片肽类不参与活动。AC 可能在杏仁复合体镇痛中起着重要作用。BNST 与 AC 的镇痛作用是相互独立的。AL 的镇痛作用则可能与 AC 有关。
We took the unit discharges of the neurons in the posterior group of thala-mic nuclei (PO) caused by stimulating the great splanchnic nerve (GSN) as anindicator of visceral pain.We searched for the effects of eletrical stimulatingcentral nucleus of amygda(?)a (AC),lateral nucleus of amygdala (AL),bed nucle-us of striae terminalis (BNST) and lateral area of hypothamus (AHL) on unitdischarges of PO and the relationship among these nucleuses.The result indicated that the inhibitory effects were strongest with stimula-ting AC,the next was with stimulating AHL,then BNST and AL.The inhibi-tory percentages were 85.7%(AC),62.9%(AHL),53.1% (BNST) and 54.2%(AL) respectively.The inhibitory effects of stimulating AC couldn't be cance-led by injecting naloxone intravenously.AC may be more important for theantinociceptive system than AL,BNST and AHL.There was no relationshipbetween AC and BNST on the inhibition of unit discharges.The inhibitoryeffects of stimulating AL may be related to AC.
Acupuncture Research