本工作是用玻璃微电极细胞外记录神经元放电方法,观察电刺激大鼠 SmⅠ区对丘脑 VB 神经元的伤害性反应,并与电针穴位的效应进行比较。结果表明,刺激 SmⅠ区与电针穴位对 VB 神经元伤害性反应的作用很相似。提示 SmⅠ区可被电针穴位所激活,进而对 VB神经元伤害性反应产生下行调节作用。
In order to confirm the idea that the cerebral cortex is involved in acupuncture analgesiathrough descending modulation,the effects of stimulation of SmI and electroacupuncture on noci-ceptive responses of VB neurons were investigated.The experiments were carried out on lightlyanesthetized rats.Single unit activities of VB neurons were extracellularly recorded with glassmicroelectrodes.The results showed that both electrical stimulation of SmI(n=11)and electroacupuncture atleft.“Huantiao”(G30)point(n=11)could inhibit the nociceptive responses of VB neurons andtheir effects were similar.These results suggested that SmI may play a role in acupuncture anal-gesia through corticofugal modulation on VB.
Acupuncture Research