
对我国首例采纳电子邮件为证据的案例的剖析 被引量:2

Analysis on a Case which firstly Accept E-mail as Evidence
摘要 网络时代,电子邮件作为最经济最便利的信息传送手段,在公共事务商务贸易活动,乃至私人交往中被广泛应用。2000年,上海浦东新区法院的一份判决,开电子邮件为证据的先河。本文结合该案从电子邮件的证据资格、证据属性、证据力等方面予以剖析。 In the Internet era, E-mail is the most economical and convenient measure for transmitting information. It is used widespread both in public and private activities. In 2000, Pudong District Court of Shanghai released a judgement, in which a E-mail message was taken as an evidence firstly by the Court. This article will analyse some issues of E-mail as evidence, such as qualification, proof power and testimony.
作者 孔娟
出处 《天津市政法管理干部学院学报》 2002年第1期62-64,共3页 Journal of Tianjin Administrative Institute of Political Science & Law
关键词 电子邮件 证据 案例 E-mail message evidence case study
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