颞颌关节功能紊乱症,是一种比较常见的颞下颌关节疾病。本病好发于青壮年,开始多发于一侧,少数可累及双侧。临床表现为颞下颌关节活动时疼痛,尤其是在张口及咀嚼食物时显著,部分病人关节处有弹响和张口受限,影响咀嚼、语言等功能。自1978年以来,笔者应用管正斋老中医传授的“面穴齐刺法”治疗该病120例,取得满意疗效,现报道如下: 临床资料本组120例患者,其中男性52例,女性68例。年龄最小者15岁,最大者58岁。病程最短者2天,最长者5年。病变在左侧者71例,右侧者45例,双侧者4例。临床分为轻重两型。轻型:病程较短(一般在1个月之内),主要在张口及咀嚼时疼痛,
Of the 120 Cases of clinic applications of treatment of Temeporomandibular Joint with Triple puncture on Face. these are 94 Cases cured(that is 78. 3 % of the total cases)With the total effective rate of 96. 6%. Compased With the patient group treated by physiotheraphy plus medicines, the patient group treated by acupunctuse has the advantage of shorter in treatment course and better results in Cure effect(P<0. 01). The present article has made a deep analysis and study on the Causes and pathogenesis of the disease and acupuncture mechanism as Weel as self protection.
Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion