
人工语法学习模型述评 被引量:5

Reviews on Theories and Models of Artificial Grammar Learning
摘要 述评了近年来影响较大的四个人工语法学习模型———THIYOS分类器系统、竞争组块模型、范例模型和联系者模型。它们都认为 ,人工语法学习所获得的知识中 ,一部分以规则、组块、总体类似性以及激活模式等形式到达意识层面 ,另一部分则残存在力量模式中 ,确定什么内容适合到达意识层面 ;后者即为内隐知识。这四种模型各抒己见 ,各有特点 。 The present paper reviewed the four powerful artificial grammar learning models--THIYOS classifier system, the Competitive Chunking model, the exemplar approach and connectionist models. All of them put forward, during artificial grammar learning, the learners acquired the knowledge, part of which can get to consciousness, the other of which remain the implicit knowledge in strength model. Although the four models are very different among them, they all provided the important references for the mechanism of implicit learning.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2002年第1期21-26,共6页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 人工语法 意识层面 学习模型 力量 内隐学习 模式 内隐知识 竞争 范例 规则 artificial grammar THIYOS classifier system the competitive chunking model the exemplar approach connectionist model
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