以西双版纳热带次生林林窗为研究对象 ,以实际观测为基础 ,探讨林窗及其不同方位边缘气 地温差的时空分布特征及变化规律 .结果表明 :在西双版纳由于区域性天气现象 (雾 )、太阳高度和林窗边缘树木的共同影响 ,形成不同季节、时间林窗区域气 地温差在时空分布上的明显差异———低值区的时空位移现象及空间不对称性 ,具体表现为林窗气 地温差最低区域不是出现在林窗中央而是林窗某一侧 ,而且出现随季节动态位移的现象 ;林窗内不同介质间 (空气、地面 )热量传递方向随季节的不同而异 .这种“峰值动态位移现象”可能会影响不同时期物种的入侵、定居、繁殖 。
In this paper, temporal spatial dynamics of difference in temperature between air and surface is studied in tropical forest canopy gap of Xishuangbanna. The results show that the spatial temporal variations of difference in temperature between air and surface of the forest gap are significant in different time and in different season because of the influence of foggy environment, sun altitude and trees, and cause the point of minimum displacing and spatial asymmetry. The point of minimum of the temperature difference is not present to the center, but to one side, and shifts with time. The primary study indicates that direction of heat transferring between the different media(air, ground surface) in the forest gap is different in different time and in different season. It may affect invasion, settlement, reproduce of species, further influence the species composition in forest gap.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
云南省自然科学基金项目 (98C0 98M)
中国科学院"九五"重大项目 (KZ95 1-A1-10 4-0 1)