政府与市场关系问题是各国政府管理实践中的一个重要问题 ,也是 2 0世纪思想理论界争论的核心问题之一。 2 0世纪末 ,在政府和市场的较量中 ,市场重新获胜 ,而政府在不断退缩。更有人认为 ,在 2 1世纪 ,由于市场化和全球化的冲击 ,政府的地位和作用将进一步下降。本文在评述国外新近研究文献的基础上 ,结合当前国际社会的新现象 ,质疑了上述观点 ,指出政府在新世纪里不仅不会衰退 ,而且还有重新崛起的可能。
The relationship between government and market is an important issue in governments' administrative practice all over the world. It is also a problem at the center of debate in ideological circles in the 20th century. People at the end of the 20th century have all perceived the victory of market over government in the contest between the two. There are people who contend that the status and function of government would descend further in the 21st century owing to the impact of marketization and globalization. This article, however, based on a review of the latest research document overseas, and with reference to the new situation of international societies at present, questions the above viewpoint and points out that, instead of ebbing away, there is possibility for government to spring up again in the new century.
Journal of Beijing administration institute