我国发展知识经济 ,首先要充分认识我国经济与知识经济的差距 ,在此基础上从国情出发 ,遵循经济规律 ,实事求是地发展知识经济。高科技产业是知识经济的主角 ,我国发展高科技产业应兼顾数量和质量 ,关键要保证质量。知识经济的标志是信息技术。网络技术在我国方兴未艾 ,对此我们应充满信心。
Compared with other countries,the development of knowledge economy in China has a long way to go. We should proceed from the national situation, follow economic law and develop knowledge economy with a realistic approach. High-tech industry is the leading role of knowledge economy. We should give consideration to quantity and quality of high-tech industry, and the key factor is to assure quality. The sign of knowledge is information technology. The network technology is now in the ascendant in China, so we are full of confidence.
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions