迁徙自由权是公民的基本人权 ,市场经济须由没有身份界限的具有平等主体性的公民的自治参与。禁止迁徙自由 ,实行城乡分割政策 ,是社会整合与发展的一大障碍。我国立法确认迁徙自由权的条件已经成熟。国家的户政不宜再作为治安问题由公安机关管理 ,可由民政部门管理。废除城镇户口与农村户口的区分。公民迁徙不再实行户口迁移审批制而实行登记制。
The right of freely moving on is the citizens' essential right. The market economy must be participated by the equal citizens without the status limits. Banning moving on freely and carrying out the policy of separating the city from the country are big obstacles for social development. The conditions of our country's legislation to affirm the right of moving have reached maturity. Not regarded as public security problem solved by the police system, the census management should be in the charge of the civil administration organ, using the system of residence registration to replace that of examination and approval.
Modern Law Science