
经济原则对句子语义结构与概念结构不对称现象的解释 被引量:2

Economy Principle as the Driving Force for the Asymmetry Between the Semantic Structures and Conceptual Structures of Utterances
摘要 Fauconnier ( 1997)和 Turner ( 1996)以英语的使动句为例 ,说明语法空间与概念空间的复合对于生成句子的语义结构起主要作用 ,但是复合空间理论无法解释句子的语义结构与其代表的概念结构不对称的现象。本文认为 Grice ( 1975)的经济原则能够较好地解释这种现象。经济原则认为讲话人应遵守会话合作原则 ,删繁就简 ,省略一些言语双方共知的、不言自明的信息。本文认为句子的语义编码同样遵循经济原则 ,概念结构总是部分地体现在句子的语义结构中 ,因此产生了句子的语义结构与概念结构不对称的现象。 Fauconnier (1997) and Turner (1996) argue that the blending between the grammatical space and the conceptual space is a central process for the semantic constructions of utterances. The Caused Motion Construction of English is a case in point in their analyses. However, their Blended Space Theory is weak in explaining the asymmetry between the semantic structure and conceptual structure of utterances. Grice's Economy Principle casts new light on this problem. Grice (1975) proposes, in his Cooperative Principle, that the addresser must be economical with his words in cooperative conversations. We argue that the same principle also underlies the constructions of utterances onto which the elements of conceptual structures are only partially mapped. This leads to the asymmetry.
作者 蒋勇 魏耀章
出处 《外语教学》 北大核心 2001年第3期3-7,共5页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 经济原则 复合空间 语义结构 概念结构 economical principle blended space semantic structure conceptual structure
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