
汉语态制中“复合态”的生成 被引量:15

The generation of aspect complex in Chinese aspect system
摘要 因为汉语的时制主要以词汇手段实现,表达状态意义的语法手段具有多样性,而且汉语"复合态"的组合形式被严格的句法语义条件限制在一定的范围之内,所以在生成汉语的"复合态"时,不宜使用用于生成英语复合时态表达式的全循环递归的方法,而应使生成过程在有限受控的条件下进行。基于尽可能全面地找出对应于不同状态意义的语言表达形式,用以生成正确的汉语句子这一指导思想,本文给出了汉语态制的系统描述;解释了根据该系统描述生成汉语"复合态"的过程;阐述了"复合态"的三种语义类型;并说明了生成汉语"复合态"的有向性。 To generate the structures of aspect complex in Chinese,one should make the whole process proceed under certain restrictions rather than using a fully recursive method as adopted to generate the structures of tense in English.The reason why a restricted recursive method should be used to generate the structures of aspect complex in Chinese is that the aspect expressions can be realized in a variety of forms and the combination structures of aspect complex are strictly confined by re- lated grammatical and semantic requirements.This paper presents a systemic functional descrip- tion of Chinese aspect system and gives a detailed explanation of how to generate the structures of aspect complex with the restricted recursive method.Three types of semantic relation of aspect complex and their influence on the generation are also addressed.
作者 杨国文
出处 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期418-427,共10页 Studies of the Chinese Language
关键词 汉语句子 语态 语法手段 语义类型 词汇手段 句法语义 时态 生成过程 阐述 意义 Chinese aspect system aspect complex generation
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