
阶级分析:从“高于一切”到“互动” 被引量:3

Class Analysis:From“Eradication of Non-class Relations”to “Interaction”
摘要 Marx developed two different modes of class analysis.In the Communist Manifesto and Capital,Marx stressed the primacy of class and argued for the eradication of non-class relations through class struggles.However,in the Eighteenth Brumaire,he focused on the interaction between class and non-class relations.Using the interaction mode of class analysis,this paper examines how five radical social theories(social feminism,analytical Marxism,world-systems theory,Eco-Marxism,and historical Marxism)have incorporated such new issues as gender,contradictory locations,status group,environment,and social movements into class analysis.After linking with radical social theories,class analyses are now at the forefront of explaining patriarchy and gender inequalities,the middle class’ expansion,national struggles at the peripheries,environmental problems,and new social movements. Marx developed two different modes of class analysis.In the Communist Manifesto and Capital,Marx stressed the primacy of class and argued for the eradication of non-class relations through class struggles.However,in the Eighteenth Brumaire,he focused on the interaction between class and non-class relations.Using the interaction mode of class analysis,this paper examines how five radical social theories(social feminism,analytical Marxism,world-systems theory,Eco-Marxism,and historical Marxism)have incorporated such new issues as gender,contradictory locations,status group,environment,and social movements into class analysis.After linking with radical social theories,class analyses are now at the forefront of explaining patriarchy and gender inequalities,the middle class' expansion,national struggles at the peripheries,environmental problems,and new social movements.
作者 苏耀昌
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期1-7,共7页 Sociological Studies
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