
评欧阳修《易童子问》 被引量:2

On OU Yang-xiu's Questions Asked by the Lad Learning Yi
摘要 欧阳修《易童子问》认为 ,《易》之“十翼”各有瑕疵 ,其中纵有孔子之言 ,但非孔子之文章。本文认为 ,此论并非无可嘉许之处 ,但亦不免言过其实 ,而致疑于其所不应疑者。本文通过对“十翼”的逐一分析 ,得出结论 :《序卦传》与《杂卦传》确如欧阳修所言 ,既不具微言大义 ,也与孔子无关。《说卦传》与《周易》关系渺茫 ,以《说卦传》为孔子之所作 ,更属无稽之谈。大小《象传》之内容 ,则不离乎秦汉时代、以功名利禄为人生目的的俗儒之胸襟 ,亦可能为邹衍一派阴阳家言。而《彖传》乃《周易》哲学精义之所在 ,其中若干部分必在孔子之前已经集结。惟《文言传》与《系辞传》中所录孔子之言 ,必皆出于孔子及门弟子之手。欧阳修呼《系辞传》为“僭妄之书” ,且具有“害经惑世”之罪愆 ,未免有褊狭愚昧之失。文章还对欧阳修所指《系辞传》中三种成卦之法的不相容进行了辨析 ,指出 ,究实此三者所指不同 。 OU Yang xiu's Questions Asked by the Lad Learning Yi points out that there are different flaws in the 'ten chapters' of the Commentaries(Yi Zhuan) in Zhouyi, in spite of the fact that they include Confucius' sayings, yet they were not written by him. The paper holds that though this view point is praiseworthy, it overstated the fact too much that it suspected the aspects which ought not to be suspected. Having analyzed the 'ten chapters' one by one, the paper concludes: chapters of Xu gua Zhuan and Za gua Zhuan , as OU Yang xiu says, contain no deep connotations and have nothing to do with Confucius. It is absurd to advocate that Shuo gua Zhuan was written by Confucius, for it has hardly anything to do with Zhouyi. Xiang Zhuan reflected thoughts of scholars chasing for name and fortune in the Qin and Han dynasties;or it might be say ings of ZOU Yan's yin yang school. Philosophical essentials of Zhouyi dwells in Tuan Zhuan , several parts of which must have been piled before Confucius. Only the sayings of Confucius recorded in Wen yan Zhuan and Xi ci Zhuan were written by Confucius and his disciples. It is fantastic for OU Yang xiu to criticize Xi ci Zhuan as an 'overstepping and preposterous writing' and convict it of 'doing harm to the Classics and misleading people'. The paper also analyzed OU Yang xiu's view point of the incompatibility among the three methods of forming the hexagram referred to in Xi Ci Zhuan , pointing out that different methods stress different aspects compatible.
作者 程石泉
机构地区 东海大学哲学系
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期3-17,共15页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 欧阳修 易传 孔子 OU Yang xiu Yi Zhuan Confucius
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  • 1童兆亮.越窑青瓷三足蟾蜍水盂[J].文物,1988(8). 被引量:2
  • 2母学勇.剑閣宋代窖藏綜述[J].四川文物,1992(3):15-20. 被引量:13
  • 3肖锦秀.东汉蟾蜍砚滴[J].南方文物,2000(2):100-100. 被引量:10
  • 4苏轼.《居士集序》.《欧阳修全集》附录卷五.第六册,第2756页.
  • 5孙绪.《沙溪集·杂著·无用闲谈》,见《沙溪集》卷一三,四库全书本.
  • 6《与尹师鲁第一书》.《欧阳修全集》卷六九,第三册,第999页.
  • 7《易或问》.《欧阳修全集》卷六一,第三册,第878页.
  • 8《与荆南乐秀才书》.《欧阳修全集》卷四七,第二册,第660页.
  • 9《仲氏文集序》.《欧阳修全集》卷四三,第二册,第617页.
  • 10《释惟俨文集序》.《欧阳修全集》卷四三,第二册,第610页.










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