抗战前期 (1 937年 7月— 1 94 0年 6月 ) ,中国根据中法签订的有关条约向法国提出了借道越南运输战略物资的请求 ,但法国却无视条约规定 ,在对华借道问题上始终不敢明确承担其义务。具体来讲 ,法国的对华借道政策经历了禁运、变通、逆转三个演化阶段。之所以如此 ,一是法国自身利益的需要 ,二是奉行与英、美平行政策的产物 ,因而成为抗战时期西方列强对日绥靖的表现之一 ,制约和影响了中国抗战能力的发挥 ;但是 ,由于法国在借道政策的执行过程中对中国抱有一定程度的同情 ,使中国过境越南的运输在实际上一直没有中断 ,这种“禁而不止”的政策特征又使其带有较强的有限援华色彩 。
During the early period of China's resistance war against Japan (1937.7—1940.6), China put forward a request to France to transport strategic materials to China via Vietnam, on the basis of treaties between the two countries. However, the French government disregarded the relevant treaty provisions and was unwilling to openly fulfill its obligations. Specifically, French policy went through three different stages: embargo, accommodation and reverse, dictated by national interest and the desire to pursue a parallel policy with Britain and the USA. In fact, French policy was the embodiment of the appeasement policy of Western countries toward Japan. This policy influenced the war of resistance in two ways. First, the effectiveness China's war effort was restricted. Second, since out of sympathy toward China France actually adopted a policy of “forbid but not prevent,” continuously allowing goods to be shipped via Vietnam, this had a positive influence on the resistance war.
Modern Chinese History Studies