Shanxi’s economic and social development long- term objective for the coming 10 years is to increase the quality and efficiency of economic operation by a big margin; to make per capita GDP figure close to or reach the national average; and to augment markedly the disposable income of the urban and township inhabitants. Its immediate goal is to enlarge GDP by an annual 7 to 8 percent in order to lay a solid foundation for development in the next decade; to expand the income of urban and rural dwellers by up to 5%; to achieve a substantial result in strategic adjustment of economic structure; to make a giant step forward towards the amelioration of socialist market system and to open even wider to the outside world; to lend a force to economic competitiveness; to make the ecological en- vironment take a steady turn for the better; to maintain the employment ratio; and, all in all, to do a better job in all its endeavors. The main tasks of Shanxi’s national economic and social development goal in its tenth 5- year plan period (2001 -- 05 ) can be boiled down into two phrases, namely, to undertake 8 strategic projects, and to construct 6 mainstay systems. The so -- called 8 strategic projects are: 1. To recognize the leading role of agriculture by practicing feature farming in the first place; 2. To quicken the step of industrial reconfiguration by mainly optimizing and up- grading the traditional industries; 3. To develop tertiary industry by opening up more channels or markets for tourist industry; 4. To advocate scientific and technical innova- tion by gaining more profit for new and high tech sector; 5. To adapt to economic and social development trend by going in for in- formation technology;6. To improve rural and urban structure by promoting urbaniza- tion; 7. To meet the need of economic and social development by faciltating infrastrue- ture construction; and 8. To pursur a sus- tainable development course by bettering the situation of ecological environment. The 6 mainstay systems are:1.Human resources; 2. Finance; 3. Diversified own- ership; 4. Open-door policy; 5.Socialse- curiy; and 6. Soft environment. security; and 6. Soft environment.
Shanxi's economic and social development long- term objective for the coming 10 years is to increase the quality and efficiency of economic operation by a big margin; to make per capita GDP figure close to or reach the national average; and to augment markedly the disposable income of the urban and township inhabitants. Its immediate goal is to enlarge GDP by an annual 7 to 8 percent in order to lay a solid foundation for development in the next decade; to expand the income of urban and rural dwellers by up to 5%; to achieve a substantial result in strategic adjustment of economic structure; to make a giant step forward towards the amelioration of socialist market system and to open even wider to the outside world; to lend a force to economic competitiveness; to make the ecological en- vironment take a steady turn for the better; to maintain the employment ratio; and, all in all, to do a better job in all its endeavors. The main tasks of Shanxi's national economic and social development goal in its tenth 5- year plan period (2001 -- 05 ) can be boiled down into two phrases, namely, to undertake 8 strategic projects, and to construct 6 mainstay systems. The so -- called 8 strategic projects are: 1. To recognize the leading role of agriculture by practicing feature farming in the first place; 2. To quicken the step of industrial reconfiguration by mainly optimizing and up- grading the traditional industries; 3. To develop tertiary industry by opening up more channels or markets for tourist industry; 4. To advocate scientific and technical innova- tion by gaining more profit for new and high tech sector; 5. To adapt to economic and social development trend by going in for in- formation technology;6. To improve rural and urban structure by promoting urbaniza- tion; 7. To meet the need of economic and social development by faciltating infrastrue- ture construction; and 8. To pursur a sus- tainable development course by bettering the situation of ecological environment. The 6 mainstay systems are:1.Human resources; 2. Finance; 3. Diversified own- ership; 4. Open-door policy; 5.Socialse- curiy; and 6. Soft environment. security; and 6. Soft environment.
Shanxi Today