谋求建立世代友好合作关系始终是中日两国关系的主流之所在 ,但两国之间仍存在着一些不和谐的音符 ,其中最主要的莫过于历史问题和台湾问题。正确对待日本军国主义的侵华史是发展中日关系的一个首要原则和前提 ,而台湾问题也是中日之间另外一个极为重要 ,须引起高度重视的原则问题。因为自 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,日台关系不断升级 ,种种迹象表明 ,日本很有可能成为继美国之后另外一个阻碍我国最终实现两岸和平统一的最主要障碍 ,这不能不引起我们的高度警觉和重视。仅就 2 0世纪 5 0年代以来日台关系的演变及其原因及由此对中日关系产生的影响做一简要考察 ,可以为2 1世纪中日关系的健康发展提供某种参考和启示。
Since 1972 when the normal Sino Japanese relation was established, seeking a friendly cooperation has been the mainstream in the relations between the two countries. However, there have been unpleasant moments, mainly resulting from the issues of Japans historical invasion of China and its relations with Taiwan. China holds the proper solution of the two issues as important premises for the development of Sino Japanese relations. Since 1990s, Japan and Taiwan have escalated their relations. We should stay highly alert in this regard, for signs have shown that Japan, apart from the U S., is very likely to become another obstacle to the peaceful unification of China.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages