The nutritional quality of seed proteins from cereals, such as wheat and rice, is compara- tively low due to its deficency in lysine and some essential amino acids. In this research ex- tensive varieties of plant seed samples were collected and screened by analysis of amino acid co- mposition. Three lysing-rich species which contain more than 6.7% of lysine in total seed pro- teins were found. 31 kinds of proteins were purified from a species which contains 7.9% of lysine using the modified methods of IEF and SDS electrophoresis. One protein with PI 6.1 and 18 kD was identified which contains 11.4% of lysine and was rich in threonine, valine and isoleucine. This is the first example of the protein which could complement several limi- ting amino acids of wheat or rice. Further research on the structural gene encoding this pro- tein would have great potential value for improvement of protein quality of thtse cereals.