学习策略是当前教育心理学 ,应用语言学研究的一个热点问题。国外学者对这一领域进行了卓有成效的研究 ,其研究对我国的教学实践和学习策略研究有着重大的借鉴意义。文章对国外研究者在该领域已经取得的成果进行了比较客观的阐述和评析 ,也提出了自己的观点。
Scientific research of learning strategies is one of the most popular subjects in educational psychology and applied linguistics. Researchers in foreign countries have carried out both descriptive and empirical studies in this field, and their study has great implications to teaching practice and the research of learning strategies in China. The present article gives an account of the studies of learning strategies in foreign countries, and the author also presents her own opinion about the various issues concerning learning strategies.
Journal of School of Foreign Languages Shandong Teachers' University