本研究探讨了汉字词在不同方位与不同排列组合条件下对念读速度与准确性的影响。实验结果表明 :逆意排列的汉字词处于不同方位 (正位、左右倾斜 90°、倒位 ) ,对汉字词的念读速度产生明显影响。汉字词处于正位时 ,念读速度最快 ;其次是处于左斜与右斜 90° ;对汉字词的念读速度最慢而准确性最低是处于倒位时 (汉字词颠倒 )。汉字词无论是顺意排列或是逆意排列 ,正位结果均明显优于倒位结果 ;但汉字词在倒位顺意排列条件下 ,结果优于正位逆意排列的结果 ,这表明 。
This study investigated how the difference of positions and order of Chinese characters affected reading speed and accuracy. The results indicated that when backward ordered Chinese characters were in different positions (vertical position, left or right tilt 90 position,upside down position), positions had great influence on the reading speed. Normally positioned (0) Chinese characters brought about the best reading speed, followed by the left or right tilt 90 positions. The worst speed and accuracy in reading Chinese characters were found in the upside down position. No matter whether the Chinese characters were in a normal forward order or in an adverse backward order, the reading speed and accuracy in the vertical position ( 0) was better than in the upside down position (180). The reading speed and accuracy in reading upside down position (180) Chinese characters on the normal forward ordered condition were better than in reading vertical ( 0) Chinese characters on an adverse backward ordered condition. It suggested that the meaning connection of Chinese characters was a more important factor in reading than the position of Chinese characters.
Journal of Psychological Science