西方译学研究跨学科合作与跨文化视野以及文化转向的理论渊源之一来自图瑞在这个领域所作出的独特贡献。他试图超越早期译学研究的理论起点 ,摆脱他们孤立研究译本的理论桎梏。为此 ,他与“源文本决定论”针锋相对 ,适时地提出了翻译的“宿文本说” ,其理论焦点也相应地从“等值”这一类先决条件转移到在源文本及其“实际替代功能”之间所建构的“现实关系”之上。
Translation studies now involve the consideration of cultural paradigms,and thereby,of their mutual relevance.The consideration,however,has its archetypal birth mainly in the contributions ever made by Gideon Toury,who initialized the consideration of target texts as translation determiners,hopefully to transcend the theoretical orientations of earlier translation studies and to break off their confinement to the translated work only.
Foreign Languages Research