马克思、恩格斯著作中的“亚细亚生产方式”概念是一个历史性概念 ,在他们的社会形态理论形成的四个不同的时期 ,即 1 85 3年以前的时期、1 9世纪 5 0年代中后期、以《资本论》为代表的时期、摩尔根《古代社会》一书发表以后的时期 ,涵义并不完全相同。本文对 1 85 3年以前的时期马克思、恩格斯的“亚细亚生产方式”概念作了考察 ,认为马克思、恩格斯在当时把“亚细亚生产方式”实际上是看作一种与欧洲社会完全不同的、独立的地域性的社会形态。
The 'Asian mode of production' in Marx and Engels' works is a historical concept, the implications of which are not exactly the same in different phases of the development of their social formation theories, namely, the period prior to 1853, the one in the middle and late 1950's, the one marked by the book On the Capital and the one after the publication of Morgen's Ancient Society. This paper studies the concept prior to 1853, holding that Marx and Engels, at that time, thought of the'Asian mode of production'as an isolated and regional social formation totally different from those in European societies.
Journal of Beijing administration institute