1中国第一历史档案馆:军机处录副奏折,帝国主义侵略类,租界项,案卷487-3-9;British Parliamentary Papers, China 26, Correspondence relating to the A ffairs of Hong Kong, 1882- 1899. pp.629- 630 .
3C. O. 882/5, p. 46 .
4C. O. 882/5 ,pp. 47 - 48.
5Shiona Airlie, Thistle and Bamboo: The Life and Times of Sir James Stewart L ockhart. Hong Kong. London, New York, 1989, p. 94 .
6Ibid. , P. 97 .
7Ibid. ,P.93.
8C. O. 882/5, pp. 70,78 .
9Peter Wesley-Smith, Unequal Treaty, 1898-1997.China, Great Britain and hong Kong' s New Territories. Hong Kong, 1980, PP.46 - 47; The Kam Tin Gates. Journal of Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. 13,1971, pp. 41 - 42 .