:2 0 0 0年 7月 ,在呼和浩特举行的“首届东方美学国际学术会议”上 ,来自中国、日本、韩国的 70余位专家学者就 2 1世纪东方美学的国际地位及研究前景等问题交换了彼此的看法 ,并展开了充分的讨论和争鸣。这次会议 ,标志着东方美学研究在全球语境下新的崛起 ,它所引发的思考涉及到如何在新的历史条件下为东方美学重新定位等重大问题 。
Editor's note: In July, 2000, more than 70 scholars, who were from China, Japan and Korea, held a full discussion and exchanged views about the international standing and the study prospective of oriental aesthetics in 21st century in “the first international symposium of oriental aesthetics” which was held in Huhhot. This symposium marked a new rise of oriental aesthetics studies in global language sphere, it initiated considerations of how to relocate the oriental aesthetics in a new historical condition as well as other important questions, which deserve close attention of academic circle.
Literature,History,and Philosophy