实施西部大开发 ,人才至关重要 ,少数民族干部是西部开发中的一支重要力量。贯彻落实江泽民同志“三个代表”的要求 ,实现西部开发的宏伟目标 ,必须进一步加强对少数民族干部的培养使用 ,改革培训方式 ,加大培训力度 ,努力提高少数民族干部队伍的整体素质和能力。充分调动和发挥少数民族干部联系群众的桥梁和纽带作用、做好民族工作的骨干带头作用。
Talented persons are of great importance to carry out the great west opening up.Cadres of minority nationalities are significant powers in the great project. In order to carry through the demands of Comrade Jiang Zemin's “Three represents”and realize the grand target of the great west opening up,we must further more strengthen the cultiration and application of the cadres of the minority nationalities. Method must be improved,cultivative power must be stressed so as to raise the quality and ability of the cadres. At the same time,we should give a full play to them in their work of keeping close relations with the people as the keylink and bridge and then become the mainstays among the great masses of minority nationalities.
History of C.P.C,Sichuan