本文是由蚌埠市教委教科所接受国家《创新教育研究与实践》总课题的《创新学习》子课题研究与小结整理成文 ,创新教育历来都有创新的教与创新的学等不同侧面。创造性的学 ,就必须从开发创造性思维开始。本文揭示了创新学习能力培养的几个侧面 ;创新从自学、探究开始的发展过程 ;创新来源于优化学生的创新个性 ,学会突破定势 ,善于激发与捕捉灵感等方面。
The article is a summary of'the Innovative Learning',with the subtitle 'the research and practice of innovation'. The innovative education includes innovative teaching and learning. This article shows some ways of training the ability of innovative learning and the developing process of innovation, which starts with self-teaching and probing. Innovation derives from the improvement of students' creativeness. Students are trained to break the fixed pattern and be able to stimulate and catch creative inspiration.