高等职业教育是教育的一种类型 ,其根本任务是培养适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的高等技术应用型人才。为实现这一培养目标的总体要求 ,要构建融传授知识 ,培养能力和提高素质为一体的人才培养模式。具体实施上应转变教育观念、更新教学内容 ,根据职业岗位的需要 ,跨学科对教学内容进行裁减重组 ,推进模块式课程体系建设 ,构建整体优化的课程体系 ;要彻底改变“灌输式”的传统教学方法 ,积极推进启发式、引导式、讨论式教学方法和现代化教学手段 ;要强调人文教育与现代自然科学教育相结合 ,实行宽口径的专业教育 ,提高学生的综合素质。
Higher vocational education is a kind of special education,its foundamental task is to train high-technological and practical personnels who are suitable for the first line of production,construction,management and service.The total requirement to achieve this educational goal is to establish a personnel-training model integrated with knowledge imparted,abilities trained and qualities improved.In doing so,educational conceptions should be changed.According to the future vacational needs,the teaching contents should be cut down and rearranged in order to create a course system with a model and optimization.Instead of traditional teaching method of 'input',modern teaching methods such as elicitation,guidance and discussion should be used.Combination of humane education with natural scientifical education should be emphasized so as to improve the general qualities of the students.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education