《马克思主义理论》教学的最终目的 ,就是要使大学生树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观 ,坚定社会主义、共产主义必胜的信念。多年的教学体会是 ,要想使学生真正热爱社会主义制度、热爱社会主义国家、坚定社会主义信念 ,就必须运用马克思主义的基本原理 ,从理论和事实的结合上 ,把讲授社会主义制度的优越性摆在重要的地位 ,帮助大学生科学认识社会主义。
The purpose of teaching Marxism to college students is to help them acquire values and a scientific outlook on the world and to strengthen their faith in socialism and communism.In order to lead students to love socialist system and the socialist country,the basic principles of Marxism must be taught in combination with practice and theory.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education