
马克思与自由主义民主 被引量:8

Marx and Liberal Democracy
摘要 Marx’s critique of liberal democracy is based on the parochialism and limit in the era of his own times. Nevertheless, Marx attaches importance to the various functions of liberal democracy in different countries and different historical periods. He doesn’t regard the concept "democracy " as the meaning of "bourgeois democracy". Marx points out that it is necessary and possible to push democracy on by taking advantage of the contradictions of bourgeois democracy. In an age with no universal democracy, Marx interprets the connotation of the concept of proletarian dictatorship for the proletarian gaining the domination of vast majority. In other words, Marx in fact puts forward a new concept of democracy. At the end of 19th century, Kantsky’s critique of Bernstei is the continuation of Marxist critique of the theory of liberal democracy. Marx's critique of liberal democracy is based on the parochialism and limit in the era of his own times. Nevertheless, Marx attaches importance to the various functions of liberal democracy in different countries and different historical periods. He doesn't regard the concept 'democracy ' as the meaning of 'bourgeois democracy'. Marx points out that it is necessary and possible to push democracy on by taking advantage of the contradictions of bourgeois democracy. In an age with no universal democracy, Marx interprets the connotation of the concept of proletarian dictatorship for the proletarian gaining the domination of vast majority. In other words, Marx in fact puts forward a new concept of democracy. At the end of 19th century, Kantsky's critique of Bernstei is the continuation of Marxist critique of the theory of liberal democracy. $$$$
作者 郁建兴
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期3-11,共9页 Philosophical Research
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