Philosophy means literally love of wisdom that is represented by giving interpretations in different ways to the world around us. Philosophical critique is in fact an interpretation,a kind of interpretation different from that it criticizes. So it is natural to have philosophical critiques as they show the conflict among and the development of philosophical thoughts in terms of different interpretations. There are at least two relations involved in the philosophical critique. One is that among scholars themselves and the other that between philosophy and politics. As for the former,it is necessary to distinguish a critique of an academic point of view from that on the one who upheld it; while as to the latter,it is important to distinguish what is to carry on an idea or theory in the field of political ideology from discussions in the field of philosophy,which are represented by the features of philosophy itself, that is, love of wisdom, thinking activities,and giving different interpretations. It is not only important but also necessary to distinguish philosophy and politics,as the disturbance of politics to philosophy appears often as man-made stipulations and restrictions that always come out as a certain kind of critique,but actually disrupt and restrain the critique of philosophy itself.
Philosophy means literally love of wisdom that is represented by giving interpretations in different ways to the world around us. Philosophical critique is in fact an interpretation,a kind of interpretation different from that it criticizes. So it is natural to have philosophical critiques as they show the conflict among and the development of philosophical thoughts in terms of different interpretations. There are at least two relations involved in the philosophical critique. One is that among scholars themselves and the other that between philosophy and politics. As for the former,it is necessary to distinguish a critique of an academic point of view from that on the one who upheld it; while as to the latter,it is important to distinguish what is to carry on an idea or theory in the field of political ideology from discussions in the field of philosophy,which are represented by the features of philosophy itself, that is, love of wisdom, thinking activities,and giving different interpretations. It is not only important but also necessary to distinguish philosophy and politics,as the disturbance of politics to philosophy appears often as man-made stipulations and restrictions that always come out as a certain kind of critique,but actually disrupt and restrain the critique of philosophy itself.$$$$
Philosophical Research