随着教育改革的不断深入 ,学科发展与师资队伍建设须适应新的发展趋势。本文初步总结了我校生物工程学科发展和师资队伍建设的成功经验 ,同时强调生物工程学科发展和师资队伍建设要顺应国内外的发展潮流 ,尤其是我国加入WTO后更应注重学科的建设与发展。
With the development of the educational reforms, the discipline construction and its staff administration should suit with the new tendency. The successful experiences of both development of biotechnology discipline construction and the staff administration of our university were summarized in this paper, and the importance of catching up with the development of the discipline construction and the staff administration in and abroad was also pointed out. Especially after our entering the WTO, more attentions should be paid to these issues.