苏州丝织手工业历史悠久 ,云锦公所为其行会组织。明末清初以后 ,社会经济的发展导致行会制度开始动摇 ,行会功能遭到削弱。清朝末期 ,随着中国社会经济发生深刻变化 ,苏州丝织业云锦公所的旧式行会色彩日益淡化 ,虽仍沿用旧称 ,但与传统社会里的纯粹行会组织已经不可同日而语 ,表现出向资产阶级同业团体过渡的特征。到民国年间 ,在苏州丝织业生产方式和经营方式发生根本变化的同时 ,云锦公所也完成了自身的转化 ,演变为资产阶级同业组织的成熟形态———“铁机丝织业同业公会”。
Suzhou silk handicraft has a long history, and through much of it the Yunjin Guild was its guild organization. After the Ming Qing transition, socio economic development shook up the traditional guild system and the functions of the guild were weakened. During the late Qing period, in the wake of deep socio economic change in China, the old fashioned guild character of the Yunjin Guild faded away day by day. Though it continued to use the old name, it could hardly be mentioned in same breadth with pure guild organizations in traditional society, and it showed signs of a transition to a bourgeois trade association. During the Republican period, as the mode of production and managerial methods of the Suzhou silk industry were undergoing fundamental changes, the Yunjin Guild finished its own transformation, evolving into its mature state as a capitalist trade organization — “The Mechanized Silk Weaving Industry Trade Association”.
Modern Chinese History Studies