红外技术在航天领域的重要作用正与日俱增。80年代以来的美国SDI计划,新一代精确制导武器,空间活动的大量遥感仪器,都将红外技术放在一个举足轻重的地位。随着应用领域的不断扩大,新装备性能的不断提高,要求新一代红外系统必须有更高的灵敏度、更强的抗干扰能力、更快的反应速度、更精确的引导精度、更高的可靠性和更低的成本等。为了满足这些要求,红外技术在近10年来又有了明显的进展,进入一个新的发展阶段。 一、红外成像技术 从本世纪60年代开始的红外成像技术。
This paper briefs the development of infra-red technologies used in aerospace field over the past 20 years. Imaging infrared, spectral recognition and electro-optic-radar combinated guidance have become three major aspects of the development. A series of breakthroughs have taken place in the development of the materials and detectors of mercury-cad-mium-telluride, silicides, high-temperature superconductors, multiple quantum well superlattice for making IR focal plane array detectors. In the coming years,multi-band imaging technologies and multi-band focal plane array detectors will stand at the forefront of the development of infrared technologies.
Aerospace China