一、概述 30多年来,空间科学和技术为利用和开发空间资源所作的努力,已经在利用空间高位置资源获取、传输和转发信息方面取得了重大成就,获得了巨大的利益;在利用空间高真空和高洁净环境资源发展空间天文学方面也取得了很大的成绩。但对于这两项已取得很大成就的空间资源的进一步的开发,以及对其他空间资源的利用和开发,由于受到技术上和条件上的限制,一般还处在研究、试验和创造条件的阶段。要获得实质性的进展,还有待于技术的突破和条件的创立。
This paper describes the prospect of space technology from the view point of the space resources exploitation. For further utilization and exploitation of space resources, in many cases,there need the direct participations of astronauts to conduct research, experiment and manufacture. Therefore,it is necessary to creat suitable artificial environment in space for the astronauts. It is recognized that space stations and space bases could provide such an environment for astronauts to participate in space resources exploitation. As a trend,some nations are developing space stations. It reflects their great interests in space resource exploitations.
Aerospace China