Based on the purpose of producing Milk Powder Fortified by Some Nutrients (MPFSN) and its nutri- tional characters, the PER, the effect of MPFSN on increacing the weight of rats feed availablity and its in- hiitory effect on the hyperlipaemia in duced in rats have been observed. As a resrlt, it was found that the PER of the reference casein and MPFSN was 2.39±0. 311 and 2. 41±0. 441 respectively (p<0. 05). The MPESN per 100g increased the weight of rats 24.1 ± 4.41g, but common milk powder only increasefd 17.6 ±2. 16g(p>0.01). The inhibitory effect of MPFEN on hyperlipaemia induced in rat was significantly stronger than that of the common milk powder.
Fortified milk powder Protein efficiency ratio (PER) Feed availatbility Inhibitory effect