

The Initial Survey of the Course of Piriformis Syndrome in 16 Cases and Investigation into the Curatine Effect of Massage
摘要 对 16例梨状肌综合症患者的病因进行了调查 ,发现外伤是本病的重要病因。 16例患者 ,经过 2个疗程共 10次的推拿治疗 ,痊愈 19%、显效 56 %、有效 2 5% ,表明中医推拿疗法是治疗本病的有效方法之一。 The etiological survey of 16 patients with piriformis syndrome was made in this study. It was found the main cause of this syndrome is trauma. There are 19% of these cases recovering, 56% being effectual and 25% showing effective outcome after two courses of treament adding to ten times massage. This study indicates that the traditional Chinese massage is one of effective therapy for piriformis syndrome.
作者 李宗珊
出处 《北京体育师范学院学报》 2000年第3期52-55,共4页
关键词 梨状肌综合症 患者 治疗 推拿 病因 观察 痊愈 初探 有效方法 发现 piriformis syndrone, massage, cause
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