马克思恩格斯自然观的创立和发展 ,从根本上改变了对于自然观的片面理解 ,自然不再是与人对立和分离的存在 ,而是与人一体化的有机整体的一部分。马克思着重从人类社会的某一特定形态考察人与自然的关系 ,更多地关注人与自然物质变换的社会条件 ;而恩格斯则从自然的历史考察自然 ,利用自然科学的发展成果揭示自然界的普遍联系和辩证发展 ,进而描述物质自然界从无机界向人类社会的演化过程。然而无论如何 ,以上区别都建立在人与自然根本性一致的基础上。
The founding and developing of Marx and Engels′outlook of nature has radically changed the lopsided view about it.Nature is no longer an existence opposite to,or, separated from man but a part of a united,organic whole.Marx inspected the relationship between man and nature from the specific form of the human society and was more concerned with the social conditions of the transformation of man and the physical world while Engels inspected nature in its own history.However,the above difference is nevertheless based on the complete unity of man and nature.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences