
缺值背景中的概念分析与知识获取 被引量:1

Concept Analysis and Knowledge Acquisition in Missing-Value Context
摘要 In formal concept analysis ,concept lattice as the fundamental data structure can be construct-ed front a formal context. Howevt, r,it is required that the relation between object and feature in the for-real context should be certain, For uncertain relation,this paper uses the thoughts of upper and lowerapproximation in rough set theory to deal with it ,and gives out the corresponding definitions of missing-value context and rough formal concept, Based on them, this paper employs rough concept lattice,formed by rough formal concepts and partial order relation on them,as the basic data structure for con-cept analysis and knowledge acquisition. Then a theroem is presented to describe the method of extract-ing rules from constructed rough formal concept lattice,and the semantic interpretation of discoveredrules is explained. In formal concept analysis,concept lattice as the fundamental data structure can be constructed from a formal context. However.it is required that the relation between object and feature in the formal context should be certain. For uncertain relation,this paper uses the thoughts of upper and lower approximation in rough set theory to deal with it,and gives out the corresponding definitions of missing-value context and rough formal concept. Based on them, this paper employs rough concept lattice, formed by rough formal concepts and partial order relation on them,as the basic data structure for concept analysis and knowledge acquisition. Then a theroem is presented to describe the method of extracting rules from constructed rough formal concept lattice, and the semantic interpretation of discovered rules is explained.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第9期36-39,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金 国家机械发展基金
关键词 缺值背景 概念分析 知识获取 粗糙集合 数据库 Concept lattice Formal concept analysis Rough sets Knowledge discovery
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