文中从自然因素和人为作用两个方面 ,分析了滑坡形成的物质基础、动力来源和激发条件 ,阐述了滑坡形成过程、活动现状及发展趋势。提出了采取地表排水、前缘固坡防冲。
Luzhou city is located in the confluence of Changjiang River and Tuojiang River in the south of Sichuan Province. Shishoujie landslide is located in the front of first level terrace on the southern bank of Tuojiang River and extends along the river. The length of landslide is 62m in main sliding direction, its width is 208m in direction along the river, its average thickness is 10m, and its total volume is 10 3×10 4m 3.The landslide in the accumulative bed is the multiple stage retrogressive landslide. According to comprehensive planning for controlling the landslide,measurements, such as drainage works, anti\|slipping plies and retain wall have been used. At present, 182 anti\|slipping piles with φ900mm and 71 bearing anti\|slipping piles with φ900mm have been completed, and the landslide body is tending to steady. A square is being built on the landslide body.
The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
中国科学院"九五"重大项目!B"中国山区城镇泥石流综合防治技术研究"(编号 KZ95 1- B1- 2 0 2 )