抗战时期浙江省的人口迁移总数约有 5 0 0万人 ,其迁移情况极为复杂。其中 2 0 0余万人迁至省外 ,主要分布于闽、赣、皖、沪和华中、西南各省。大部分移民是在省内迁移。战时浙省移民迁移持续时间较短 ,最终转化为移民的只是少数。由于种种原因 ,战争期间即有部分移民回迁。战争结束后 ,绝大部分移民均回迁原住地。难民迁移的最根本最内在的动力来自经济和政治因素 。
During the SinoJapanese war, about five million people were involved in migration, of which two million emigrated to Jiangxi, Fujiang, Anhui, Shanghai, and central and southwestern parts of the country, and the remainder within their own province. This relocation of the population lasted for only a short time during the war, and only a small proportion of the population became permanent migrants. Some migrants returned home even during the war, while most returned after the end of the war. Political, and, in particular, economic factors played a decisive role in this process.
Historical Research