地名重复是中国历史上的常见现象 ,历代曾进行过六次大规模更改。以西晋太康元年、隋开皇十八年、唐天宝元年及民国三年的更名规模最为宏大 ,使历史上长期存在的县级及其以上重名问题得到较为彻底的解决。更改重复地名的原则与标准 ,经历了一个由加方位及对称字来修饰 ,至完全更改用字相同的重复地名 ,再至取消文相类及声相近的地名的演进过程。当今地名存在类似问题 ,建议在适当的时候更改因字同、形似、音近而容易引起混淆的
Places with the same name were relatively common in Chinas past, and were renamed on six occasions; four major changes took place in the 1st year of the Taikang reign period of the Jin dynasty, the 18th year of the Kaihuang reign period of the Sui dynasty, the 1st year of the Tianbao reign period of the Tang dynasty, and 1914. The problem of places with the same name was resolved at a county level or higher. There were several stages in the renaming process: Firstly, a modifier was added, and then the places were renamed. Finally, place names that looked or sounded the same were canceled. The same problem exists to this day, and the author recommends renaming fifty places that have caused confusion due to their morphological or phonetic similarity.
Historical Research