Objective To study the diagnoses and treatment in 25 cases with the massive lower gas- trointesinal (LGI)hemorrhage.Method The clinical symptoms and the results of physical exminatinons (include gastroscopy,colonscopy,air contrast bariun enema,emergent selective arteriography and radionu- clide scan ect.) of 25 patients with acute massive LGI hemorrhage have been analysed and contrasted.Result The consequences indicated that selective arteriography and radionuclide scan had diagnosed massive LGI hemorrhage in 78.6% and 84.6% of patients,and that air contrast bariun enema had yield a diagnoses in 67%,the colonscopy had yield a low level diagnoses in 41%.Conclusion selective arteriography and ra- dionuclide scan were the most effective ways to diagnose the massive LGI hemorrhage,however,colonscopy still should be the routine examination,ff intestinal hemorrhage is suspected when arteriography is being pro- cessed,a highly selective angiographic placement catheter must be reserved and injected methylene blue dye to help to localize the bleeding site intraoperatively.Operation is the main treatment of massive LGI hemor- rhage,and colonscopy also should be performed intraoperatively to increase the diagnostic rate.