The authors reported 3 cases of clival tumors and 7 cases of odontoid process fractures of the axis, they were operated via the oral - pharyngeal or the anterior cranial fossa base approach. In one of the 3 cases of the clival tumor, the tumor invading the sphemoid sinus and the ethmoid sinus and was resected through the anterior cranial fossa approach. The remain 2 cases were operated via the transoral pharyngeal approach. All of the odontoid process fractures of axis were treated through transoral - pharyngeal approach. In this series, excellant outcomes were achieved without death or severe complication. It is concluded that the microsurgical operation via the oral - pharyngeal or the anterior cranial fossa base approach is a safe, effective method to treat the clival trmors and odontoid process fractures of axis.
cranial base tumors
Odontoid process fractures of axis
oral - pharyngeal or anterior cranial fossa base approach
microsurgical technique