自1984年10月至1995年10月。根据临床症状、体征及 B 超、CT、肝血管造影。提示肝脏占位性病变,但不能鉴别病变性质,拟为原发性肝癌,行手术探查者共95例。与病理不符,误诊为肝癌者34例,男性23例,女性11例,年龄9~68岁,误诊率为35.8%。讨论了误诊原因及经验教训。本组术前修正诊断8例.降低误诊率8.42%,修正后误诊率为27.4%。
From October 1984 to October 1995,the liver space-occupying lesions were suggested on the basis of clinical symptoms and signs,ultrasonography,computed tomography(CT)and angiography, but the quality of the lesions could not be differentiated.The impression was primary liver cancer.Out of 95 patients who underwent explorations,34 patients,whose preoperative diagnosis didn't tally with the pathologic diagnosis,had been misdiagnosed as primary liver cancer.The misdiagnosis rate was 35.8 per- cent.Twenty-three males and 11 females were included in this series.Age at diagnosis ranged from 9 to 68 years.This paper discusses the causes of misdiagnosis,the experience and the lessons.In order to reduce the misdiagnosis rate,we must take medical history in detail,give carefully physical examination,combine the results of laboratory examination,ultrasonography,CT etc.Of this group,in 8 patients the preopera- tive diagnoses were corrected,the correction rate was 27.4 %.
Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery