0bective Complementary cytodiagnosis of oral neoplasms applying AgNOR techniqiue to stain the nucleolar organizer region in order to prmote the rate of accurate diagnosis. Methods Argyophilic technique (AgNOR) was applied on 486 specimens of oral and maxillofacial tumor (383 benign and 103 malignant) confirmed histopathologically. Results The aver-age number of AgNOR granules in benign oral tumor cells was 1. 72 ±O. 39 and that in malignant tumor cells 4. 64 ±1. 75, showing sighficant difference (P<0. 001); various types of tumor cell showed difference in number, mor-phology and distribution of their granules. Conlusions It is suggested that AgNOR technique is of value in differential diagnosis of tumor cells,espeially in carcinomas of oral and drillofacial region. Although the morphology of tumor cells appear benign, it can still be diagnosed malignant if there is marked increase in number or changes in shape.
Jiangxi Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences