
重度腰椎滑脱的治疗 被引量:358

Treatment of Severe Lumbar Spondylolisthesis
摘要 作者报告26例Ⅲ度以上腰椎滑脱患者的手术治疗,其中Ⅲ度14例,Ⅳ度10例,Ⅴ度2例。病理分型为退行性及峡部裂滑脱。滑脱平面为L4,5及L5S1。病史2~7年,平均3.5年。手术指征以临床症状体征为主,影像学检查均证实为Ⅲ度以上滑脱。24例患者采取后路双侧小关节及椎板切除彻底减压,RF-Ⅱ型椎弓根螺钉系统复位固定,其中4例加BAK椎间植骨融合器,24例后路一次手术完成减压复位、椎间植骨融合内固定。2例(V度)行前后路联合手术,先期前路手术切除坠落于骶骨前的滑椎,二期手术将滑椎的上位椎体与骶骨相连接,恢复脊柱序列,RF-Ⅱ型内固定,椎间植骨融合。术后本组26例全部达到解剖复位,无感染。除1例Ⅴ度滑脱术后出现暂时性L4,5、L5S1神经根牵拉症状外,余患者无神经系统功能恶化。所有病人原有症状均获得不同程度改善,其中优6例,良18例,可2例。本组随访12~38个月,平均18个月,随访中椎体间植骨融合良好,无复位丢失,患者情况稳定。X线片显示椎间植骨融合良好,螺钉无折断,无其它远期并发症。因此,在重度滑脱的治疗中,走出传统减压仅行椎板切除的误区,以小关节为中心进行彻底减压,是椎弓根螺钉系统复位后不产生新的症状的关键。? Twenty-six patients with severe lumbar spondylolisthesis were studied. The duration of follow-up ranged from 12 to 38 months, with an average of 18 months. The mean age of the patients at surgery was 46.2 years(range, 22 to 56 years). Fourteen patients were classified as degree Ⅲ lesion, 10 as degree IV lesion and 2 as degree Vlesion. Degenerative spondylolisthesis was found in 16,is thmic in 8 and post traumatic in 2. L4,5 involvement occurred in 16and L5S1 in 10. All of the cases had neurological deficit preoperatively. The surgery included laminectomy and facectomy in both sides for complete decompression of the dural and nerve roots associated with RF-Ⅱ pedicle screw system for reduction and fixation. The interbody fusion was also performed before pedicle screw fixation by use of autografting. BAK cage was added in 4 of the patients for fusion. For the 2 cases with degreeⅤ lesion,the surgery was divided into two stages.The vertebral body of L5。was removed firstly through anterior approach, and then the reduction of L4 on the top of S1, pedicle screw fixation and interbody fusion were performed one week later. At the latest follow up, there was no lost of correction in all patients. Twenty four patients had satisfactory pain relief and there were no complications of neurological deterioration andpse udoarthroses in this series.The authors considered that bilateral facectomy with laminectomy was very important for complete decompression, anatomic reduction and interbody fusion.
机构地区 北京
出处 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期259-262,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
关键词 椎间植骨融合 腰椎滑脱 患者 治疗 重度 减压 骶骨 临床症状 序列 恢复 Lumbar vertebrae Dislocations Decompression Spinal fusion
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