目的 探讨急性心肌梗死合并高血压的临床特点.方法 对比分析151例合并高血压(HT)的急性心肌梗死(AMI)和257例非高血压(NHT)的AMI的临床资料.结果 合并HT的AMI有冠心病家庭史、吸烟史、糖尿病及高脂血症病史的比例明显高于NHT的AMI,严重心脏并发证(泵功能衰竭、心原性休克、严重心律失常)发生率和住院死亡率也高于NHT的AMI.结论 合并HT的AMI冠心病易患因素多,严重心脏并发症发生率高,预后差.
Objective To assess the clinical characters of patients with actue myocardial infraction (AMI) and Hypertension. Methods In present study, we compared the clinical data of 151 patients with AMI and hypertension to that of 257 patients with AMI. Results The ratios of coronary heart disease family history ,smoking, diabetes and hyperlipemia in patients with AMI and hypertension were highter than those in patients with AMI. The incidence of heart failure, cardiac shock and severe arrhythmia and inhospital mortality in patients with AMI and hypertension were also highter than those in patients with AMI. Conclusion Patients with AMI and hypertension have more risk factors of coronary heart disease, high incidence of severe cardiac complications and bad prognosis.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine