2000年底召开的全国统战工作会议 ,提出了一系列带根本性和全局性的新理论和新政策。强调我们党必须加强同各民主党派的团结 ,坚持、完善共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度。明确了衡量我国政党制度的基本标准 ,确立了多党合作的重要原则 ,为我们做好党外人士工作推进党同党外人士合作共事的规范化、制度化 。
At the end of year 2000, a series of new theories and policies with fundamentality and overall effectiveness were raised in the National Conference on United Front Work. Such theories and policies emphasized that the party must strengthen solidarity with the democratic parties, and persist in and perfect the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party. They also specified the basic standard for measuring the political party system of China, thus providing us with the policy basis to work with non-party individuals and to accelerate the standardization and systemization of the cooperation between the Party and non-party individuals.
Journal of The Central Institute of Socialism