Magnetic stimulation of abductor pollicis brevis was performed in 34 healthy people to compare somatosensory potentials evoked by magnetic stimulation with that evoked by electrical stimulation of median nerve. The potentials were recorded from different levels of peripheral and central nervous system(Erb's point, 7th cervical spinous process and scalp primary sensory areas contraleteral to the stimulated side). It was found that:(l) The P_9 peak amplitude and the central conduction time of magnetic and electric stimulation showed significant difference,whereas the peak amplitude and interpeak latency of the other potential components did not show any difference; (2)Both the N_(20) peak latenev of magnetic and electric stimulation were significantly correlated with bodyheight. This finding suggested that: (1) In comparison with electric stimulation, magnetic stimulation is a simple, effective and noninvasive method for quantifying the function of muscle afferent fiber; (2)Magnetic stimulation may activate muscle receptor and their afferent fibers indirectly through muscle contraction; (3) The potentials P_9, P_(13) of magnetic stimulation may originate from the same sensory pathway as the electric, but the nature and origin of cortical potential components (N_(20)) need to be further studied.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Magnetic stimulation
Somatosensory evoked potentials
Abductor pollicis brevis
Muscle afferent fiber