
维生素K对幼鼠骨量及骨强度影响的实验研究 被引量:5

Effect of various levels of vitamin K intake on parameters of bone metrology and biomechanics in rats
摘要 目的从骨计量学及骨生物力学等方面评价维生素K对幼鼠骨发育的影响。结果股骨及腰椎骨计量学各参数值(骨湿重、干重、骨体积、骨密度、骨小梁面积等)随维生素K摄入水平增加而增加;腰椎各计量学参数值在饲料维生素K水平超过300μg/kg时,无显著变化;维生素K可提高股骨的结构力学性能(最大载荷与结构硬度),而对其材料力学性能无显著影响。结论维生素K能促进幼鼠骨发育;从骨健康角度考虑。 Objective\ To explore the effect of various levels of vitamin K intake on bone development.Methods Forty weanling Wistar male rats were divided into four groups.In one group,1% sulfadiazine was added to regular diet(vitamin K 50 μg/kg) to induce vitamin K deficiency.In the other three groups,the vitamin K level in diets were 50,300 and 2550 μg/kg respectively.Twelve weeks later,the rats were killed and effects of the different level of vitamin K intake on bone development were evaluated by the parameters of bone metrology and bone biomechanics.\ Results\ Femur metrological parametres(bone weight,bone volume,bone mineral density and areas of trabecular bone etc.)improved with the increase of dietary vitamin K level,while the parametres of lumbar spine did not change when vitamin K level was over 300 μg/kg diet;vitamin K could improve the femoral structural biomechanical properties(strength and rigidity),but had no effect on the material biomechanical properties.\ Conclusion\ Vitamin K can enhance the development of bone.The rat vitamin K requirement may be higher than that currently recommended(50 μg/kg diet).
出处 《中国骨质疏松杂志》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期22-27,共6页 Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis
关键词 维生素K 幼鼠 骨发育 骨计量学 股骨 骨量 骨强度 影响 实验研究 骨生物力学 Vitamin K \ \ Bone metrology\ \ Bone biomechanics
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