原发性骨质疏松症是中老年普遍存在的一种慢性疾病,被称为世界第五“杀手”。目前没有统一的临床诊断、治疗标准,特别是危症治疗很困难。为了方便临床,作者根据自己的临床诊断,治疗经验,特别是对危症的“超常规量钙综合治疗”取得了良好的效果后提出,单纯补钙治疗很难促效,必须综合治疗。对于补钙只要能补充损失量的 1/3,症状体征开始缓解,这一观点很有新意。作者对於“超常规量钙”问题提出实际上是对传统静脉补钙长期误解的一种修正,并非真正超过了正常。
Primary osteoporosis,being called The Fifth Killer in the world,is a kind of chronic disease gerenally occurs among the old and adults.To date,there is still no unitary diagnostic and treating standard.The treatment of critical emergency is espcially dificult.Based on the experience of clinical diagnosis and treatment,especially the good curing effect obtained by treating critical emergerncy with Supernormal Does Calcium Combined Treatment,suggest that calcium supplementary treatment alone can not get obvious improvement,and we must treat the disease with combined treatment.It is a creative idea that only 1/3 lost calcium being supply.The patient’s physical signs and symptoms began to release.The Supernormal Does Calcium-mentioned by the authorsis acturally an amendment to the traditional misunderstanding on venous calcium supplement,not really exceed the normal does.
Journal of Practical Orthopaedics